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We import bonsai trees regularly throughout the year. From China we have regular shipments of commercial indoor trees, along with outdoor bonsai each spring.


We always have in stock a wide variety of commercial Chinese bonsai trees, carrying more than 30 species at most times.

Trees regularly stocked include Chinese Elms, Peppers, Maples, Deshojos, Podocarpus, Japanese Holly, Ligustrum, Banyan Figs, Azalea, Serissa, Sageretia, Syzygium, Buxus, Dawn Redwood, Golden Larch, Portulacaria and more.


We offer a variety of styles of trees including shaped, broom, semi-shaped, with rock, informal, groups/forest and more.


Trees are imported and ‘grown on’ at our specialist bonsai nursery by our experienced team to ensure they’re the best presented and vigorous bonsai trees available in the UK.


A small selection of some of the Chinese bonsai trees stocked are shown below. Please feel free to contact us using the contact us page for more information on the varieties and styles of Chinese bonsai stocked.

1. Chinese Elm Shape.jpg

Chinese Elm Shape

2. Pepper Shape.jpg

Pepper Shape

3. Deshojo Maple Informal.jpg

Deshojo Maple Informal

4. Ficus Shape.jpg

Ficus Shape

5. Buxus Shape.jpg

Buxus Shape

7. Azalea Shape.jpg

Azalea Shape

8. Japanese Holly Shape.jpg

Japanese Holly Shape

9. Metasequoia Group.jpg

Metasequoia Group

10. Maple Informal.jpg

Maple Informal

11. Syzyigium Broom.jpg

Syzyigium Broom

12. Variegated Serissa Broom.jpg

Variegated Serissa Broom

13. Loropetalum Informal.jpg

Loropetalum Informal

14. Portulacaria Broom.jpg

Portulacaria Broom

15. Pseudolarix Group.jpg

Pseudolarix Group

16. Chinese Elm Broom.jpg

Chinese Elm Broom

17. Japanese Holly Broom.jpg

Japanese Holly Broom

18. Pseudolarix Informal.jpg

Pseudolarix Informal

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